How Our Schools Are Killing Creativity

The hidden costs of modern education

Hello everyone,

Last week, we discussed the origins of modern education and how children learned before formal schools existed.

This week, we will examine the drawbacks of the current education system and explore possible alternatives.

Let's get started!

The Industrial Model of Education: Its Impact and Alternatives

The Industrial Revolution, which kicked off in the late 1700s and early 1800s, revolutionized many aspects of our lives, including how we learn in school. 

The education system was designed to create workers for factories and offices, focusing on subjects that would be useful for these jobs. 

While this system helped people secure employment, it also brought along a set of problems. 

Today, let's dive into these issues and see how the current education system stifles creativity, harms individuality, dampens the love of learning, and turns education into a competitive race.

The Problem with Prioritizing Certain Subjects

One major issue with the modern education system is its tendency to value certain subjects over others. During the Industrial Revolution, subjects like science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) became crucial because they fueled factory and business growth. As a result, schools started to emphasize these subjects, pushing art, music, literature, and history to the sidelines.

Imagine being a student who loves painting or writing stories, but you rarely get the attention or encouragement because your talents aren’t deemed as important.

A 2018 study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that participation in arts programs fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills—all essential for success in any field. 

When we focus solely on utilitarian education, we create a generation that views knowledge as merely a tool for employment rather than a path to personal growth and intellectual curiosity.

The Pressure to Conform

This prioritization translates into immense pressure on students to excel in these "chosen" subjects. 

High grades become the sole metric of intelligence, creating a rigid hierarchy where those who excel in STEM are celebrated as "smart," while those with different strengths feel left out. 

This not only discourages students from following their genuine interests but also fosters a sense of inadequacy in those who may not naturally excel in STEM.

Think about our kids. 

They rarely get the chance to pursue what they truly love or explore different subjects. 

Instead, they feel pressured to choose popular fields that promise good jobs. 

Students start to care more about grades and rewards than the joy of learning itself, turning education into a means to an end rather than a fun journey.

Research from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine shows that an overemphasis on standardized testing can reduce students’ motivation and interest in learning.

Education as a Race

The focus on high-demand skills and standardized tests makes school a highly competitive environment. 

Education turns into a race to get the best grades, get into top colleges, and land the best jobs. 

This competitive atmosphere can cause significant stress and anxiety for students, making them afraid of failing. 

It also promotes a narrow view of success, equating high academic achievement with personal worth and neglecting those who might excel in other areas or have different strengths.

The American Psychological Association reports that school-related stress is a major concern, with 45% of teens saying they are stressed by school pressures. 

In this race for good grades, individuality often gets lost. 

The education system favors students who fit its standards, leaving little room for those who think differently or learn in unique ways. 

This one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t recognize the diverse talents and learning styles of students, making those who don’t fit the mold feel inadequate or left out.

Losing the Love of Learning

The industrial model of education also saps the joy out of learning by focusing on memorizing facts and passing tests over understanding and exploring ideas. 

Students are often taught to remember information and repeat it on exams, with little emphasis on truly understanding or applying what they learn. 

This approach makes learning feel boring and mechanical instead of exciting and rewarding.

Remember the thrill of discovering something new, the challenge of solving a tricky problem, or the satisfaction of mastering a new concept? 

These joys are often lost in the push for high grades and test scores.

According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), countries with high-stakes testing often see lower levels of student engagement and higher levels of anxiety.

Alfie Kohn's study "The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools" argues that standardized tests fail to measure true learning outcomes and instead promote rote memorization and test-taking strategies over genuine understanding.

Moving Away from the Factory Model

In conclusion, the education system we inherited from the Industrial Revolution, while efficient in producing a standardized workforce, comes at a significant cost. 

It stifles creativity, individuality, and the love of learning. 

By prioritizing narrow skill sets and standardized testing, it overlooks the development of critical thinking, social-emotional intelligence, and genuine curiosity about the world. 

We need to move away from this factory model and create a system that nurtures the whole child.

Exploring Alternatives: Homeschooling and Microschooling

For many families, the traditional system may be the only option. 

However, for those who can explore alternatives, homeschooling and microschooling offer a compelling path. 

These alternatives allow for a more personalized and flexible learning experience, encouraging children to explore their interests and develop their unique talents without being constrained by society's expectations.

Imagine homeschooling, where parents can tailor the curriculum to their child's needs, fostering a love of learning and supporting the child's overall development. 

By considering these alternatives, we can help children become well-rounded individuals, free from the limitations of the traditional education system, and better prepared to contribute meaningfully to society

🛠️ Tools & Resources

Chem4Kids - Chem4Kids provides clear and informative tutorials on various chemistry topics, including atoms, elements, the periodic table, and more. This app makes learning chemistry accessible and engaging for young minds.

Starfall - Starfall offers engaging content specifically designed for young learners. This app serves as a valuable tool for homeschooling families, supplementing existing curriculums or providing a platform for independent learning.

Prodigy Math - Prodigy Math personalises the learning experience, transforming maths into an exciting game-based adventure. Engaging challenges and rewards keep students motivated as they develop their maths skills.

Adventure Academy - Adventure Academy offers a gamified learning experience for various subjects like language arts, science, and social studies, engaging students through interactive games and activities.


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